Kindergarten Readiness – Hoop it Up

The headline in the paper said “The Hoop Is Back”. The reporter interviewed Sadie Yancey from Virginia and Toronto and she talked about the increasing popularity of hula hoops and their health benefits combined with fun. A hula hoop is a great idea for kids. Learning to hula with one can be tricky but kids can also roll it or skip with it. As a prop to encourage imaginative play the hoop can be the steering wheel of a car, bus, truck, or boat, or a flying carpet that travels to anywhere in the galaxy. Younger kids enjoy putting a hoop on the ground and  just jumping in and out. The play value of a hoop far exceeds its inexpensive cost.  There are scores of videos now on hooping. So, today’s call to action is: Hoop it up!

(For adults, Ms. Yancey, who has a master’s degree in biomedical physics,  said a heavier hoop is much easier to use. Any other suggestions for those of us who are not great hoopers?)

Kindergarten Readiness – Card Game Fun

A deck of cards is a super easy item to pack for vacation. Card games can be played just about anywhere, even in a tent when waiting for the rain to stop. Go Fish is one of my favorites. There are all kinds of decks, too, numbers, fish, people, animals, etc. Here is a sample deck that’s all A,B, C’s. On long, rainy days at home, find some paper, magazines and make your own cards. Or a quick Internet search turns up some printable Go Fish cards that can be colored or even painted. Lots of social skills are practiced in the context of a card game. Taking turns, asking, sharing, being a good sport, how to both win and lose, handling disappointment, and self-regulation of emotions are only a few. Oh, and how to have fun, too!  Go Fish -do you have an idea for vacation fun?

Kindergarten Readiness – More Water

Everything including the kitchen sink!! The kitchen sink is usually a fine place for some basic science but just because some things can go down the drain, a big plastic bowl may be a better ‘sink’ today. Yesterday was so much fun playing in the water in the sink that here is another idea. This time round up some objects to see if they will float or sink: a popsicle stick, a toothbrush, a plastic fork, knife and spoon, a metal fork, knife and spoon, a cork, a sponge, a spool, a plastic lid, a metal lid, etc. Before trying them, first ask your child to guess if something will float or sink. This is called predicting or hypothesizing and is an important step in science. The next step is experimenting; try the objects and observe what they do. Is it the same as the predictions? Did anything surprise you?

This same activity can be repeated with other things such as an apple, grape, banana, orange, and potato. Use a pail in the backyard and try a rock, a shell, a stick, a week, etc. Not only is this great fun, you are teaching your little one some basic science concepts and  helping your child learn some important strategies like making a prediction or hypothesis first and then observing. You may even get a couple minutes to work in the kitchen yourself as a bonus. Does this sound like it could work for you? Float-sink.

Kindergarten Readiness – Exercise Pit Stops

Vacations can mean time in the car, a bus, a plane, or a train. Besides pit stops and breaks for bathroom visits, kids need to move their bodies. Besides needing to wear off some energy, kids also need exercise for their bones. Childhood is the most important time for a healthy skeleton. Activity makes children’s bones … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Exercise Pit Stops

Kindergarten Readiness – Clipboard Math

Vacations often have little spaces of time to fill, especially when travelling. Whether it’s by bus or car, kids sometimes need something else to do. Years ago, I picked up a plastic covered clipboard at the dollar store with just a small paper holder. Though it was inexpensive it has been really valuable. One little activity was to draw … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Clipboard Math

Kindergarten Readiness – Vacation :) or :(

Some new research was just released that studied children’s recognition of facial expressions. It was previously thought that even infants could recognize expressions for the emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust. Dr. James Russell’s study questions this and he says that at age 2, kids can identify happy but they categorize all negative faces as … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Vacation 🙂 or 🙁

Kindergarten Readiness – Pack Imagination on Vacation

The news today announced the death of Hiram Brown, a radio drama legend. He called radio ” the theater of the mind” and talked about ” the magic is the imagination”. One of the most powerful tools that kids have is their imagination. Today, reflecting on his insights, here are some ways to use children’s … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Pack Imagination on Vacation

Kindergarten Readiness – Pack a Book

This month the blog topic is readiness ideas for vacation. Does your child have a special interest in a particular topic? Dinosaurs, cars, trucks, trains, boats, farm animals, different countries, fish, whales, knights, castles, ballerinas, cats, dogs, bugs, and more are some of the more common ones but I’m always amazed at the variety and scope … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness – Pack a Book