Kids Need Some Post-Christmas TLC to Unwind #2

With all the excitement over the last days–and weeks–do your kids need help to unwind? Both their bodies and brains could probably use some TLC or special activities. Yesterday’s TLC post was some quiet activities like water play, puzzles, or floor toys such as trains. Today’s is some outside time where kids can run, jump, and sometimes even holler, to their heart’s content.

helping kids unwind after holidaysHopefully the weather in your area will permit some outside time. Is their a playground, park, or schoolyard near you? Once kids are dressed for the weather, they are ready to play. Snow is enough to play with all by itself, and playgrounds have play equipment, but if neither of these are options, you may want to take a ball that kids can kick or throw. Kids can often find something on their own, but rocks, sticks, and puddles are not always appropriate.

Strenuous physical activity will help release tension. What we might call excess energy could be a signal that kids need some help to relax. Adults often use various techniques to help them relax and we can help kids by giving them time and space for vigorous, active play. As their bodies move, kids will pause and take deep breaths, and then they are off again. Being outside, also has the advantage of giving kids an opportunity to connect with nature. That can also be calming. Even a good long walk around a few blocks can help kids and be an alternative for some families.

helping kids unwind after holidaysVigorous, active play is harder to do indoors. Over the holidays, many communities will have family time at pools, gyms, and recreation centers. Chasing and hitting a balloon can be fun and doesn’t need a really big space; a smaller one will do as long as it’s clear of sharp corners and not too crowded with furniture. A yoga mat or cushion can be a place to play. Kids can ‘invite’ dolls and stuffies and have an exercise class. What works for you to have physical play time for your child?

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