Readiness for Kindergarten – Memory and Drawing

Little kids have show n’ tell, big kids have Facebook. Big kids also have cameras and phones to take pictures of things they want to remember. What about little ones? They draw pictures.

Drawing a picture is another strategy to help kids remember. Did something exciting happen at Halloween? Or on a child’s birthday? Provide a piece of paper and some colors and let your little one draw about it. Sometimes drawings are not all the recognizable so grownups may need to add a few words to the picture. While kids are drawing a picture on paper they are also creating an image in their minds. Both memory and visualization are important skills for more than kindergarten readiness.

Pictures also help kids make the connection between meaning and marks on a page. This is a basic concept for what reading is all about. Drawing is a powerful activity to help your child with readiness for kindergarten. Is there something your child can draw n’ tell about today?

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