
Halloween Mummies PreWriting Fun and Learning Activity

halloween mummy paper dolls activityHas your child had some scribbling and drawing fun that will help for later learning to write and kindergarten readiness? Halloween has such wonderful visuals that appeal to kids. Even if your child is not at all interested in learning to hold a pencil or crayon and marking on a paper, drawing on a mummy doesn’t seem like the same thing at all. That sounds kind of like fun.

With some help from adult hands, Big Sister and I folded a big white paper like a wide fan. I drew an outline of just head, arms and legs and together we cut it out because the folds make it quite thick. Then, we unfolded it and had a whole string of mummies, like paper dolls.

halloween mummy paper dolls activityUsing a black marker, Big Sister drew the lines across to look like a mummy all wrapped up. Correction: they were not lines, they were the big bandaids. Good thing adults have kids to get it right for them.

Learning to write doesn’t start when children enter kindergarten. It starts from long before as children build, paint, do puzzles and, of course, draw and color. Those first few marks of a pen on a paper, chalk on the sidewalk, and sometimes, markers on the wall, are the beginning, when children are wobbly toddlers.

Not all children are eager to play with crayons, paints, and other writing tools. We can encourage their exploration and experimentation by using what interests them. Will this idea appeal to your child?

Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Patterning Activities

halloween patterning activitiesHalloween is a sweet time of year, not just because of the candy, but because of the fun and learning that helps support children’s development and kindergarten readiness. In some dollar store bins I found some acrylic fall and Halloween decorations. These are fun for lots of different activities.

Once we had found the invisible tape and opened the boxes, I used 2 different color leaves and showed Big Sister a pattern: red leaf, brown leaf; red leaf, brown leaf, red leaf…. She added a brown leaf and then continued with the pattern across the counter and around the corner to the edge.

halloween patterning activitiesWhen I got the other two boxes open, I tried a little more complicated pattern: 2 orange pumpkins, 2 yellow acorns;  2 orange pumpkins, 2 yellow acorns. Big Sister had her own ideas and corrected me, “That’s not a pattern.” Instead, we tried using all of the items: acorn, brown leaf, pumpkin, red leaf; acorn, brown leaf, pumpkin, red leaf. That was as far as we got. It was interesting to use 2 items, but she wasn’t yet ready for other variations.

halloween patterning activitiesPatterning is a fundamental skill or strategy for learning. The advantage of patterns is that they reduce the amount of information that minds need to remember. Information in big quantities can be overwhelming. Adults are not the only ones that feel information-overload, kids do too. A pattern condenses information. Patterning is a natural skill.  Crawling and walking use the pattern of left-right, left-right, left-right. Music, songs and stories are certainly patterns. In order to figure out patterns, kids need lots of experiences and opportunities to play with patterns. What other Halloween items can kids use for patterning activities?

Kindergarten Readiness Visits The Pumpkin Patch

Sunny afternoons in the pumpkin patch are a fun way to support children’s early learning and kindergarten readiness. Well, any time and any weather can make for a great outing. There’s something magical about the bright orange of pumpkins glowing against the beige and brown tones of fall. Plus, pumpkins are a promise of all the fun and excitement that comes with Halloween.

janelleN-2012For children, the differences in the seasons are a source of wonder. Pumpkins come with cooler weather, grass and plants are turning brown and drying up, days are shorter and nights longer, and there are only a few birds and bugs. Nature no longer wears the colors of summer. Children are adding to their memories of fall and storing new ideas about the season. Going to the pumpkin patch happens only this month and repeating an activity year after year builds the understanding of the cycle of the seasons. What an exciting way to connect to nature.

making a pumpkin patch In the pumpkin patch, there are wonderful words like bright, round, heavy, wrinkled, stem, curved, flat, and green. Kids will compare sizes and shapes of pumpkins. How many pumpkins are there? Too many to count? Often, kids will be able to take one home. Choosing is another skill that kids need to practice. The color may be important to them, or they might like a certain shape or size. Some children may want a very big pumpkin, some a smaller one. With all those pumpkins, it may not be easy for some kids to make a choice while others will decide right away. This is all part of the learning and the experience. Now, do these girls look disappointed at all?

Instead of being sad when car problems meant they wouldn’t be going to visit a pumpkin patch, these two girls found pumpkins at the corner store and made their own patch, complete with sign and glowing smiles. The kids are teaching grownups how to be happy! Is there a pumpkin patch in your neighborhood?

Halloween Pumpkin Faces: Fun-Learning-Kindergarten Readiness

At Halloween, faces are hidden by masks and make-up, but expressions are easier to read, especially scary ones. Reading faces is an important early learning, kindergarten readiness, and social skill. In order to interact with other people, we all need to use clues about what they are feeling and thinking. We can see some of … Continue reading Halloween Pumpkin Faces: Fun-Learning-Kindergarten Readiness

Halloween Ghost Craft: Fun, Learning, Kindergarten Readiness

Easy crafts with only a few simple steps and materials can be fun for kids while at the same time have some complicated kindergarten readiness learning. This Halloween ghost craft activity is suitable for toddlers and older kids. To make this ghost, use a square of any color tissue paper. Who says ghosts have to … Continue reading Halloween Ghost Craft: Fun, Learning, Kindergarten Readiness

Halloween Books: Treat for Kids and A Trick for Brains

How many books and stories are you sharing with your child? Whether this is something you do everyday (!!) or only a few times a week (!) this is a powerful activity for fun, learning, kindergarten readiness, and more. With Halloween coming soon, bookstores, libraries, second hand stores and garage sales have these books on … Continue reading Halloween Books: Treat for Kids and A Trick for Brains

Kindergarten Readiness: Happy Halloween Learning and Fun

Halloween is a busy, eventful night  and who has time to think about learning and kindergarten readiness? But lots of learning is happening anyway. Young children are taking in the sights, sounds and tastes and building their knowledge and memories of the different things that happen at Halloween. They also have an opportunity to participate … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Happy Halloween Learning and Fun

Kindergarten Readiness: Jack-o-lanterns for Light & Learning

Jack-o-lanterns light up more than Halloween night, they also light up lots of early childhood development, kindergarten readiness learning, and family fun. For young children, jack-o-lanterns are quite magical. Suddenly, a plain pumpkin has eyes to see. Being a child is kind of like that. Children need parents and caregivers to help open their eyes … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Jack-o-lanterns for Light & Learning

Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning & Fun – SLIME

What is as hands-on as carving a jack-o-lantern, helps develop many of the same kindergarten readiness skills, is still lots of fun but with less clean-up? Playing with SLIME. Although slime is great any time of year, it takes on special meaning at Halloween. Slime is also known as Flubber and there are many recipes, … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning & Fun – SLIME

Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning-Pumpkin Patch Fun

Visiting the pumpkin patch can be a favorite activity for Halloween and it’s a fun time for learning and kindergarten readiness. How can a pumpkin patch help with learning? Going to the pumpkin patch is quite an adventure: Kids get to move and explore a great big space outside and it’s quite possible to get … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning-Pumpkin Patch Fun