Kindergarten Readiness – Playgrounds #9

To finish off the topic of playground fun I was doing some internet research. I found a website for playground safety and was astonished to read how many children are treated in hospital ER’s for injuries that happen on playgrounds. As the adults it’s our job to properly supervise, to see if the area is clean and free of debris, to notice if there are repairs or maintenance needed, to judge if the children are the appropriate size for the equipment, and that the surface is intact, etc.

We also have another task, to help children learn about safety. Some kids are hesitant and need coaxing to venture down the slide or only like little pushes on the swing. Some are much more adventurous, sometimes reckless. We need to use simple explanations and watch for understanding. For example:  Feet go down the slide first, not heads. Feet can jump and land, heads bonk. Only one on the swing and one down the slide, no swing or slide ‘sandwiches’. These are only a few playground safety reminders. The issues you deal with depend, to a great extent, on the age and tendencies of your children. But even quite young children need, and can benefit from, safety training. Have fun and play safe.
Has this been a concern for your family or childcare facility?

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