Kindergarten Readiness – Halloween Fun

With Halloween creeping closer and closer we can take advantage of the energy and enthusiasm and sneak in a little help around the haunted house.

Magic Spell to Make Toys Disappear:  Abra-ca-dabra, abra-da-dear. Toys in the toybox. Make them disappear!!  (The quicker, the better and use lots of spooky oo’s and creepy ee’s when picking them up and tucking them away. )

Magic Potion For Laundry:  Ha, ha, you dirty clothes. You will not be able to resist the magic potion of water and soap. Into the washing machine and do NOT come out until you are clean! Clean as can be.

Magic Potion For Dishes: Dirty dishes, dirty dishes. Water and soap and you shine like wishes.

Sound effects, cackles,  being the voices of the clothes or the dishes or the toys as they beg to not go in the water or toy box (“Oh, please, please. I am just a little sock, don’t put me in the washing machine.”  “In you go, sock. You thought you could hide under the bed, did you? But we were too smart for you. And, now, in you go -o-o.”) all add to the fun. This playing with language, adding the magic ingredient of imagination, pretending and taking on different roles, and interacting with others are all part of kindergarten readiness.  

There, didn’t that make having to do that work a whole lot better? Now,does anyone have a magic spell to make lunch or dinner?!

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