Body Collage

Art projects and crafts do not have to be expensive. Old magazines have pages of learning fun. Since this time of year we are doing more inside activities than outside ones, here is a fun one to do together. Looking through a magazine, find and cut out parts of the body. Use only 1 part from each picture and put them together. For instance, a head from a baby, a torso from an adult, maybe one foot with a fancy shoe and another with a sneaker, etc. While this may seem a bit wild and crazy, it is a valid ‘work’ and play activity. Some of the learning challenges are looking for specific information in a visual source, coordinating all the parts to make a cohesive whole, breaking a task into smaller parts, sequencing, using relevant vocabulary, practicing fine motor skills such as cutting and gluing, and more.  There’s an aspect of creativity and lots of laughter, too.

 All that from paper ready to be recycled and some glue. Helping children with kindergarten readiness can be done at home with materials that you already have, and with fun and laughter, too.
Q. What did the leg bone say to the foot bone? A. Together we’ll go places.

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