Kindergarten Readiness – Physical Movement Christmas Fun

With such busy lists at Christmas time, it should be easy to fit in some movement activities for kindergarten readiness fun and learning.

Children seem to have extra switches for being active but that could be because so much brain development occurs from moving. Besides the other 5 senses we are all born with 2 more: the sense of movement and the sense of our body’s position in space. For healthy bodies and healthy brains, we need to encourage and provide opportunities for kids to move.

Our homes are not set ups as gyms, but a mat on the floor is great fun for jumping. When taking the laundry from the dryer back to the bedrooms, you and your child can move like big, heavy dinosaurs, or on tiptoes like Santa’s elves that make no sounds. When you are busy in the kitchen, you can give your child some big salad tongs to pick up pick up blocks and put them in a big bowl for a robot lunch. Put some pretzels on a plate and slide it under the table for “reindeer” food; reindeer have to move around on 4 legs. Hallways are included in houses just to make a space for hopping down on 1 foot and then the other, or playing reindeer swooping down.

For a break, put on some music for some dancing around fun. It’s much more enjoyable to pick up the toys and tidy a room, when dancing to music. Remember the game Simon says? How about Santa says?The players are Santa’s elves and Santa can say pick up 3 toys off the floor, or put 2 books on the shelf, just make sure to remember the words “Santa says” before any instructions. These are a few ways to include some movement fun and learning for your child. Can you think of some more?

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