Kindergarten Readiness – Christmas Eve Poem

It’s Christmas Eve and with so many things to do and think about kindergarten readiness goes to the bottom of the list, and that’s not a bad idea. Early learning is still happening though, in the activities of the family. Children are learning what is important and special about this time as they watch what we do, hear what we say, and participate with us in what is happening. Here is a version of the Night Before Christmas to share with the parents and caregivers of children everywhere: Christmas-fireplace1‘Twas the night before Christmas and all thru the room, the pieces were scattered with feelings of doom. The stockings were hung but still very empty, waiting for candy, books, toys and goodies a plenty. The children were sleeping, every sense on alert, for the first hint of dawn when they’d race with a spurt. But now, Mama held the hammer; I wielded the wrench; the instructions were such to make anyone blench. Put A beside B and cover with C, then D comes next, all the way up to Zee. The clerk in the store had deceived with intent, “It’s easy to do, won’t take but a moment.” Meanwhile the clock kept UP its determined advance, while we gazed all around in a very tired trance. At last, it was done and we tidied the mess; I wanted to leave it, I’ll have to confess. We filled the stockings, wrapped presents, and then… I spied the cookies and gave into my yen. We gobbled them down, which just made us think, they would taste better with a nice long drink. Some music and snuggles appeared in the night, the tree bright with colors, oh what a sight. I could imagine the laughter, the voices of glee, the wonderful morning of Christmas frenzy. Deep down inside some mischievous imp, came up to the surface with nary a limp. “Why wait?” it said, “it’s almost the time, grab the bells, and ring out a chime.” “What are you doing,” begged my dear wife? “This is not part of an adult life!” “I’m waking the kids, and that includes us!” I rang the bell with no more fuss. “We’ve only one day, I’m starting it early.” To the kids’ rooms I ran, all atwirly. “Sing out the fun, the love and the joy, because of the birth of one baby boy.” Happy Christmas to all and A Blessed Good Day. Follow the children, they’ll show us the way. (Barbara Allisen, copyright 2012)

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