Kindergarten Readiness – P = Peace, Q = Question

Kindergarten readiness is not something isolated; it’s something that starts with what is happening for children and builds on it. In some cities and towns, today is Martin Luther King Day. In other cities and towns, children will not have heard of this extraordinary man, but he had a message for everyone, all over the world. He also had a dream, a dream for peace and freedom.

Making this day relevant for young children is challenging. Using the letter Q here is a question: What is Peace? As parents and caregivers, we sometimes ask children to play by themselves so we can have some peace and quiet. They are not always sure what we mean: peach and quiet? a piece of quiet? Todd Parr has written and illustrated a wonderful story to help explain the idea of peace. It’s called The Peace Book and he reads it in the video below.

Sharing this story can be a part of the day for all children. For older kidlets, talk about what they think peace might mean. If you live in an area that celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King, share about his remarkable quest for freedom and peace.
What is peace in the words and world of your child?

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