Kindergarten Readiness: I Spy Some Animals

Spending time outside helps young children both connect to nature and practice some kindergarten readiness skills. Your family may be able to fit in some playtime in the park or playground, but even just a walk around the block or on the way to the bus will give a few minutes for both fun and learning.

connecting to nature

Being able to notice details is an important skill for kids and adults. It needs some time and opportunity for practicing. When you and your child go outside, you can play anĀ  “I Spy” nature game. Hmm, what to look for? Hopefully, it’s warm enough now since it’s closer to spring to see more animals outside. Play ” I Spy some Animals” to give your child some practice looking around and observing. Are there any cats and dogs? How about birds? Talk about some animals that are not there, like bugs and worms. Where could they be? Are there any under some rocks? Little kids are closer to the ground and notice things that we miss. Any squirrels? How about fish? Somehow, kids have already learned where fish should be but they like thinking that grownups may not. Do you and your child enjoy the time outside?

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