Mother’s Day Treat Kids Can Cook

We would all like to give our others the sun and the moon but that’s not possible so here’s a rainbow Mother’s Day treat kids can cook, with a little help.

easy mother's day treatKids can choose some fruit that their mommy likes, such as grapes, strawberries, bananas, oranges, kiwis, peaches, melon, berries, etc. Kids can wash these in cool water and set aside to dry. Using a plastic picnic knife makes it easier for kids to slice the soft fruits while grownups cut the harder ones. Often, younger kids will be able to slice the banana because it’s soft enough.

mothers-day-treat-kids-makePlace the pieces of cut fruit in a pretty bowl or small, individual ones. With so many fruits mixed together, the pieces shouldn’t turn brown, but if this isn’t to be used until later or the next day, add a squeeze of lemon juice and keep in the fridge.

When serving, add a spoon of creamy yogurt, maybe a sprinkle of granola, or a crown of whipped cream. This could also be for breakfast in bed by putting a small bowl on a tray with a napkin, spoon, and maybe a flower.

Involving kids in the kitchen is a treat for them. They feel very grownup to be participating in an adult activity. They like being included and being able to contribute. Making a special fruit dish for Mother’s Day gives them an opportunity to do something nice for their mom. All kids in the family can make this together, participating as they are able. Best of all, everyone in the family can enjoy this rainbow too. Happy Mother’s Day!

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