Kids Can Celebrate The First Day of Spring

sidewalk art for springKids can celebrate the first day of spring. Google has a new doodle with some pink blossoms that pop up on the trees. So does our neighborhood. A new doodle popped up on the sidewalk just in time for spring.

Celebrating often means some kind of party. To kids, parties mean balloons and cake. The first day of spring is a wonderful reason to celebrate, so what kind of picture would kids draw on the sidewalk? They’s color up some balloons and cake, of course.

chalk art for spring Kids have a spontaneous joy that adults envy. While we are all cheering that winter is done, done, done, when kids get excited, they seem to bubble over. A family down the block has young children too, one preschooler and one who has just started school. According to Google, spring arrived this year one day early, so they went outside yesterday to draw about spring.

Chalk balloons went up and down the sidewalk, in both directions from their house. Not just a few, but lots and lots. They spent a great deal of time coloring balloons and after balloons. They must have had a great big box or whole pail of sticks because the balloons were thickly colored. The size started fairly large and got smaller and smaller towards the end. The kids were likely getting played out. In this case, the pun is very much intended because to them this was play.

spring sidewalk chalk artDrawing on the sidewalk is a wonderful way to spend time outside soaking up some welcome sun. Children will have their own ideas about what to draw. We can also ask them what they see in the spring. Are there cherry blossoms in your neighborhood? Any new green leaves on the trees? There may be some early flowers. You might want to walk around in your area to check out some signs of spring. Isn’t this a great idea so kids can celebrate the first day of spring?

Isn’t this a great idea so kids can celebrate the first day of spring?

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