Auditory Learning Style

Kindergarten Readiness – Brains and Auditory Learning Style

Supporting different ways of learning is part of kindergarten readiness. Even as a grown-up, do you find that some things are eady to learn and some quite difficult? The same thing happens for children because our brains have different ways to learn. This brain personality is called learning styles. Learning styles are our individual preferences and strengths in the way we learn.  The 3 basic learning styles are: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

auditory-learningGenerally, children that are strong auditory learners like songs and stories. They may prefer toys such as small people or characters. As they play, the child may pretend conversations between the people. They enjoy listening to books. These children are often early talkers which may indicate an auditory learning preference. They may find puzzles hard to figure out; drawing and painting may not be favorite activities.

Support for this type of learner is both encouraging the activities that your child is good at and including activities that are more challenging. When sharing a book with your child, spend some time just looking at the pictures. Guide your child to also play with paper, crayons and chalk as well as puzzles and construction toys. This will help your child explore different ways to learn and promote his/her kindergarten readiness as well as expanding brain connections. Do you think your child has an auditory learning style?

Memory Skills Activity #3

Old McDonald had a class, A  E  I  O  U. Do you remember any of the songs that you used to sing as a child? Singing is another activity that helps kids develop their auditory memory skills as part of their kindergarten readiness. Very young children may only remember bits and pieces of songs. Older toddlers can often sing simple ones that have lots of verses with no help at all. The tune and the repetitive language plus the practice combine to make an effective learning strategy.

Traditional songs such as Old Macdonald, Bingo, Twinkle, Twinkle, 5 Little Monkeys, Eensy, Weensy Spider, Hokey Pokey, The Bear Went Over the Mountain, Ten in a Bed, Wheels on the Bus, etc. seem to be universal but there are great new songs, too. Last month, at a Baby Fair with the Kerplunks, I had their new Gumboots song stuck in my head for days.

After hearing a favorite song CD countless times, (like the new Charlotte Diamond one), I know it’s tempting to just give kids earphones and have them listen quietly, but instead sing along and later sing together without the CD. That gives the memory muscles some exercise as they get in shape for readiness for kindergarten. (P.S. Singing also helps for listening. Instead of having to say something to get attention for the zillionth time, try singing it. )1 2 3 sing! What songs do your kids enjoy?

Memory Skills Activity #2

Have you ever told someone in your house something and later they don’t even remember that you have said anything at all? It may not be that the other person has a bad memory but a different memory style. Some people are very visual and best remember things that they see or read–they need memos. Others best remember things that they do; these people are very hands-on. Other people remember what they hear–these are the ones that can recall exactly what you said. While we use all these memory channels usually one area is stronger than the others.

Helping children develop memory skills is important for kindergarten readiness. How well children remember information is key to doing well at school and later. One of the best ways to help kids with their auditory or hearing memory is to share books and stories. Even brand new little ones enjoy the snuggle and the sound of the voice. Some children like to hear the same story over and over until they can remember every word. If your day doesn’t have a space for curling up with a book tell your child a story that you remember. Besides readiness for kindergarten, books and stories are lots of fun.

Last month was the 25th anniversary of the Magic School Bus. Scholastic Staff member Caitlin’s comment is a perfect example of the power of an auditory memory; “Even hearing a bus honk now takes me back to 5th grade science when we would watch the show or read the book in class and then talk about what the Friz and her class found.”  I can remember my grandmother reciting the Gingham Dog and The Calico Cat and can almost hear her voice. What’s your favorite book or story memory?

Learning Fun At Home With Dishes

Do you remember nursery rhymes that you learned as a child? Jack and Jill, Little Bow Peep, Little Boy Blue, etc. How about this one: Hey Diddle, diddle the cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon.   The little dog laughed to see such sport and The dish ran away with the spoon. … Continue reading Learning Fun At Home With Dishes

Auditory Memory Activity #1

No, this isn’t the 99th activity for auditory memory enhancement and it’s not a typo. It’s a humorous way to introduce today’s blog topic–how to do a super quick check of your child’s auditory memory. Auditory memory is a fundamental skill for learning. And for relationships. Just think of how frustrating it is when a friend … Continue reading Auditory Memory Activity #1

Learning Disabilities and Auditory Memory

Auditory memory involves more than just remembering. It’s a link in chain that includes listening to words or other sounds, processing what it means, storing it and then finding it in the memory banks when needed.  Auditory skills aren’t just important for learning to read, they are critical for all learning. To help your child … Continue reading Learning Disabilities and Auditory Memory