Kindergarten Readiness – Moose #5

This moose topic really is on the loose! The activities  just keep horning their way in–oops, I mean antlering their way in. But it shows how parents and caregivers can take an idea that captures kids and expand it to include all kinds of readiness projects.

For today, some moose math. Draft some small blocks or lego in a brown color to be the moose and another color to be the muffins, about 10 of each and use a muffin pan, if you have one. If you give 1 moose 1 muffin (use one block of each color side by side), how many muffins do you need for 2 moose? How about 3? Keep asking how many muffins are needed and encourage your child to provide the answer. This is called one-to-one correspondence and is a basic math concept. For more advanced math, make up some scenarios: these moose are really hungry and would like 2 muffins each. 1 moose needs 2 muffins, so 2 moose need how many? Let’s use the blocks to figure it out. This is just a starting idea; you and your kids can probably add some more, pardon the pun. By the way, what kinds of muffins do moose eat, anyway?  What kind do you eat?

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