
Thinking of readiness activities for the letter m was easy. Music, math, memory. Hmmm-which one? Let’s do music. Music enhances math skills. Like numbers, music tones go up and down in sequence. Music is built on patterns which is like many concepts in math. Music can also help memory by linking or chunking bits of information together. That means singing songs and listening to tunes can help kids with math, memory and more. What to sing? Since we’re going through the alphabet, try the ABC song.

 To add some fun, use different voices. First sing it in a regular, normal voice. Then, maybe like an opera singer. Try a rock star. How about a tiny baby abc? Or a deep, under the mountain, troll. Find a few Minutes today to actively listen to some music. What does the music do? Is there a pattern? Is it fast or slow, high or low, soft or loud? Talk about if it pleases you or not. What do you like to listen to and sing?

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