Continuing with November-getting to know you, this week’s focus will be on the 5 senses. Some of these activities can be done while you are doing something else, like going on the bus, getting a meal ready, buying groceries or doing laundry.
We use our eyes to see. This is the sense of sight. Play I Spy, looking for shapes, or colors, or what things are made of. Adults or kids can hide something in a room and kids can search for it. (As long as this isn’t used too often, adults can hide a treat that can only be found when a pile of something is all put away.) Read a book–especially a Magic Eye one. Pass out some crayons for using eyes to draw and color a picture. Did you know that eyes can not distinguish color in the dark? Take several crayons into a dark room and notice how hard it is to tell the colors. If you have a magnifying glass, take a look at the picture and see how it changes. Try to put on socks with eyes closed. Pretty hard to get the heel part in the right place or tell if the socks are right side out. Talk about how we need to take good care of our eyes. Take turns naming some things that each of you likes to see and doesn’t like to see. I like to see the sun; I don’t like to see the leaves blowing back all over the yard. How about you? What things do you like to see?