Wow, I had so much fun at the museum, yesterday, and talked to lots of people about enjoying books. One mom said that she tries to read to her little one but he won’t sit for books and stories. Many little tykes like books in bits–one page here, get another book, maybe a page there and gone. Some turn the pages so quickly, there’s only time for 1 or 2 words. But every little bit counts! Usually, as children have more experience with books, their attention span grows and they enjoy more time with books. Especially, with favorite ones. One year the librarian at school wanted to find out which of all the books were the most popular (an elementary school). Dinosaurs were at the top, along with books about cats and dogs. The cats and dogs, I can understand. Many of the kids have beloved pets. But dinosaurs?
Whether your child enjoys books for only a minute or two or more, the exposure to books still plays an important role in kindergarten readiness. It all adds up to an astonishing total over the course of months and years. It’s worth a try, try, triceratops! What are your child’s favorites– books, that is?