1,2,3…Go! While many children can say the number 3, they also need to attach the number to the concept of 3. Linking a number word to a mental image of how many is an important skill for later learning. Because it is so important it is part of both kindergarten readiness and many kindergarten lessons/projects/activities. Today’s readiness for kindergarten is exploring 3.
To help children develop a visual image of 3, together make groups of 3 things using lots of different objects: 3 blocks, 3 cars, 3 stuffies, 3 action figures, 3 legos, etc. Triangles have 3 sides. Look for some together while taking a walk or riding the bus. Setting the table is a 3 activity: knife, fork and spoon = 3. Put away 3 toys, read 3 books, eat 3 things, do 3 actions–hop, skip, jump. Take 3 giant steps, 3 baby ones, 3 medium ones. Listen to The Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, or do all 3! Sing 3 Little Kittens Lost Their Mittens. Lights, Camera, Action…!