ABC`s – M is for Making Crafts

While making crafts is a favorite activity for children and supports kindergarten readiness, and early learning and fun, it’s not just for kids. Just a quick glance at Pinterest will prove that there is phenomenal interest in crafts among adults!
For many people, the enjoyment of crafts first starts when they are young children. The variety of activities is astonishing, as well as the mountains of materials that can be used. If there is a craft box at your house it might contain beads, buttons, pipe cleaners, paper rolls, sparkles, fabric, yarn, pine cones, bits of paper, pasta, string, plastic containers, egg cartons, cotton balls, colors, lids, and popsicle sticks, to name only a few. Plus any other bits and pieces of junk, er…treasure, although kids will use other items that they find and collect, as they play and create.

As children make all sorts of crafts, their minds are: planning, organizing, sorting, fitting, comparing, sizing up,and deciding. Hands are busy cutting, gluing and fitting together. Besides lots of thinking and doing, they are talking and using lots of language. They are imagining and creating, which gives them a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, much like grownups.

For a play-of-the-day, can your child have some making crafts fun for the letter M?

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