Thanksgiving is a reminder for something that we can do, with others and by ourselves, anytime. Just this week, I was at a presentation on Brain Wellness, with speaker and author Gary Anaka. One of the best activities for brain health, for anyone of any age, is an attitude of gratitude. Saying thank you supports hearts and minds. Good thing there’s a holiday for this called Thanksgiving.
There are many ways to say Thank You. During the fall season, celebrating Thanksgiving is one way to say Thank You in community. Kids can create art projects and give them to others. Turkeys are a symbol of Thanksgiving, and can be made from playdough, buttons, handprints, paper plates, pine comes, etc.
Kids can also say thank you by doing things for others. Besides “helping” in the kitchen and around the house, there may be appropriate activities for the age of your child, such as taking cookies to a neighbor, or making a card for a friend who is sick.
Families and cultures have different ways of showing affection. Sometimes, when we thank others, we give them a hug. Hugs can feel very special to both the one receiving and the one giving. For family and friends that are too far away to thank in person, there are letters and phone calls. Kids enjoy having their picture taken to send to someone else.
Being thankful isn’t just for Thanksgiving. No matter where in the world families are living, and what holidays they are celebrating, feeling grateful is good for hearts, brains, and communities. What are some other ways that kids can say thank you today and everyday?
P.S. Thank you for being part of 1 2 3 Kindergarten and Learn and Play with Mrs. A!