Fun with the Family is Magical
One of the reasons why vacations and holidays are so special is because the family has time to be together. For children, the event or occasion is much less important than having fun with everybody else. If you think back to your childhood, are there some great memories of fun times? And did they involve family? We are not all fortunate enough to have had magical childhoods, but it’s what we wish for our children.
Fun times with kids do not need to be elaborate or involve whole big chunks of time. They might include picnics in the park, playing with balls in the backyard, an hour at the community swimming pool, enjoying a silly board game, doing a puzzle together, building an entire city with Lego or other blocks, and more.
Each season will have it’s own activities from building snowmen to raking leaves to going fishing. Weekends may have time for camping and longer adventures, such as a day at the zoo or aquarium. Communities all have unique opportunities such as wonderful gardens, places to hike outdoors, and celebrations. Vacations are condensed versions of family time whether they are staycations or away from home.
Some of the most magical times for kids may not be play but work. Children love to help other members of the family. Getting groceries or washing the car may not be an adult’s idea of fun, but may be a highlight for kids and a time to connect with others in their lives. These connections are often what gives us the strength to deal with challenges, make changes in our own lives, and persevere through difficult times. We share both joy and tears with our friends and family.
Days are often more than busy, but hopefully there will be some time to play and work together. We all need to include play, not just kids. Playing, working, and eating will quite likely be part of everybody’s weekend, no matter where you live. Whatever it is that your family will be doing, will you be able to have some magical time together?