For today’s space activity, aliens help kids learn body parts. Knowing the names of parts of the body is really important for kids’ health and safety.
To create an alien, kids can use items and ways that appeal to them. Some might like to color or paint space creatures. A search in the recycling basket might turn up some cool materials to glue or tape. Little hands could trace an alien on stiff paper for big hands to cut out. These can be decorated in various ways.
Little Sister made an alien or space monster starting with a paper plate. She glued things she found in the craft box all over. The legs are two pipe cleaners. There are no arms, only a blue hand glued on the side. Big Sister made one with no legs. The pipe cleaners on the top are not hair, but arms attached to the head. After all, these are aliens.
Parents and caregivers can take advantage of the opportunity when making creatures to see if kids know the names of body parts. Does the alien have any arms? How many legs are there? What does the alien use to see and eat? What part of the body goes to the bathroom? Besides legs, arms, and heads, kids may quite openly talk about private parts of the body. When they do, knowing the accurate names is vital. Just knowing and using the accurate names for private body parts increases children’s protection and defenses against abuse. Names of body parts for gender can be uncomfortable for some adults, so an activity like this one may decrease the embarrassment and anxiety.
Paint, crayons, paper, glue, craft supplies, and recycled bits, are all fun to use to make aliens. As kids manipulate materials, they are developing their small or fine muscle control. Alone or with playmates, they are imagining and creating and using lots of language. Organizing, problem-solving, and concentrating area few of the thinking skills that come into play. Play is the key-word. We supply the stuff, and kids do the rest. Aliens help kids learn body parts and much more. Will any land at your house?