Patterning and sequencing are two critical strategies for learning to read and for math. The fairy tale of Goldilocks and The Three Bears uses both these skills. It’s also a good story for talking about real bears and story bears and how they are the same and how they are different. There’s several more kindergarten readiness skills, too, that can be practiced with this story.
Since the 3 bears are 3 different sizes, it’s also a good lead in to an activity that compares sizes. Find any unbreakable containers at home. Have your child put them in order of size, small to big or big to small. Boxes, spoons, plastic plates or cups, chairs, bowls even shoes can all be used to help children learn about sizes.
There are some other lessons about safety in this story, too. Goldilocks also learns a lesson about boundaries and how people have private spaces. After reading this story, share a few bear hugs. Of course, make some porridge! What’s your favorite way to eat porridge?