Relaxing on Sunday and enjoying some Earth Day activities, I was reluctant to prepare for Monday morning. Then I saw the example of a small child and thought he had a great attitude that will help for more than kindergarten readiness. Little M is have fun mopping the floor. His strategy is to turn work into play. Now that’s powerful thinking and learning.
Children will exert tremendous effort into doing things. They do not distinguish if it’s work or play. Washing dishes, stirring muffins, putting groceries in the cupboard, or making the bed can be as much fun as digging in the sand box, building with blocks, or playing dress-up. Sometimes their help makes more work for parents, but their willingness to assist needs to be encouraged. (Especially while it lasts.) Helping others and sharing tasks is an important part of social and emotional development.
Monday may not be grownups favorite day of the week but for kids any day can be fun day and work can be play. And it can help children learn new skills and practice developing ones. For your child’s growth and development are their some activities where s/he can help and turn work into play?