Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Toby who?
To be or not to be, that is the question.
And my to be is a teacher.
Hello, I’m so happy you are here.
My name is Barbara Allisen, known most days as Mrs. A.
I’m a kindergarten teacher, author, parent, and radio show host with over 30 years experience, primarily in kindergarten and preschool. I grew up in a tiny village close to the family farm, later moving to a small town and then city. Crisscrossing the country, I graduated with a B.A., B.Ed., D.P. E. and a special diploma in Early Childhood Services. Two kids of my own, one with special learning needs, were another education, (and the degree S.U.R.V.I.V.E.D).
I’m often asked why I teach kindergarten, other than most students after grade 2 are taller than I am. At what other grade level could I play with puzzles and blocks and make crafts and build Lego and shape playdough and read Big Books? And get drawings for my fridge and hugs everyday?
And why do I now have a kindergarten readiness website? Because:
Children are 20% of the population and 100% of the future.
- Because: Children who are ready for school do better in all the other grades and have more chance of finishing school.
- Unfortunately, many children who enter school behind their classmates stay behind.
- But mostly because: Being ready for school starts before children ever get there. Plus, it turns out that one of the critical factors that affects children’s success at school is PARENT INVOLVEMENT.
So, helping parents and caregivers is one of the best ways to support kids.
I carry the memories of more than 1,000 children’s school beginnings in my heart—and their photos, pictures, and cards in my scrapbooks. May I share the journey with you?
This is a picture of me traveling (and learning Spanish…)