
Kindergarten Readiness – June Bugs For Fun and Learning #2

Weekends were included in the calendar so at least one day there would be time for getting outside and connecting to nature, which is part of supporting the development of kindergarten readiness. Recent studies are finding more and more benefits to spending time outdoors such as improving health and fitness, increasing the length of attention span, promoting problem-solving, encouraging creativity, reducing anxiety, and enhancing emotional-social connections.

Spending time in nature is a more than a learning activity. In a way, nature is also a learning strategy because it guides children to be aware of their senses. Observing is another important skill for kindergarten readiness. This weekend, you may be able to take your child to a natural area to explore, discover and observe. This should be a good time of year to look for bugs and other critters close to the ground. Carefully turn over a rock and see if there’s anything hiding underneath. Ask your child what things does s/he see, hear, smell and feel? What kind of colors and shapes are there? What things are growing and what ones are moving?

You can observe your child’s delight and curiosity. A camera can take photos of exciting finds for later sharing with others. By attaching learning on to kids’ enthusiasm and natural curiosity we make it fun and meaningful, promote readiness for kindergarten, and a deep connection to the natural world. What kind of learning, fun and play do you see?

Kindergarten Readiness – June Bugs For Fun and Learning

June bugs are no fun when camping, but a great resource for kindergarten readiness! Is your child fascinated with bugs? Usually kids are and will watch them, or even collect them enthusiastically. We can use that enthusiasm and build on it with all kinds of learning fun.

Where we live, it rains a lot in June. While spiders are not technically bugs they are creepy crawly and the Itsy Bitsy Spider is a favorite song. Singing supports learning and readiness in several ways. It encourages all kinds of brain connections, the most obvious is language and vocabulary.  The notes that go up and down, the rhythm, and the repetition all create patterns. These patters prewire the brain for other patterns, especially in math. Songs stretch remembering: what words come next, how does the tune go, the correct order of words and more. There are important skills and strategies such as auditory discrimination, rhythm, rhyming, language fluency, listening skills, and basic concepts. Singing is a social activity helping kids be aware of others as they sing together.

If you can handle hearing the song over and over (and over) here is a cartoon video that shows the adventure of the Itsy Bitsy Spider starting at a house and continuing on to a farm, a parade and a church. Learning is an adventure too. Stay tuned for more activities this month for your June Bug’s kindergarten readiness. Do you have some favorite bug ideas to share with other parents, caregivers and kids between the ages of 0 to 6?