Science Learning Fun – Magic for Early Programs, Preschool and Kindergarten #9

Science learning fun is a super wish for early programs for kids. Science is part of school for older kids, but younger kids love science too. It’s more than another subject, it’s like a setting or channel in the brain for interacting with the world.

science fun for young children

This series of blog posts is inspired by parents and caregivers. They’ve answered the question, “If you had a wish or magic wand for something for kids in a program like preschool or kindergarten, what would it be? One parent wished for some great science activities. Ones that nourish the brain and children’s spirit of curiosity.

This is almost like the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, “I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.”

Science doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t need expensive materials. Many of them can be found right at home. These videos from Raising Dragons  have some very doable science. They are definitely child friendly.

Baking soda and vinegar combine for some explosive learning. From volcanoes to a rainbow in a dish, it’s always a treasure to watch the action. Kids like action!

Orange you glad science can be this easy and this fun? Before trying the orange, ask your child what s/he thinks it might do in water. Will it float or sink? This builds on the curiosity.

Science ideas often come from kids themselves, as it says in the description for this one. White corn syrup and green food coloring create a work of art.

These are all activities that can happen in a kitchen at home, as well as on a table in a care center for kids. We really must nurture the sense of wonder in young children. Children are so naturally curious as they explore the world around them and seek to figure it out. Their questions now can bring answers for the future. Can science learning fun and play be part of your child’s day?

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