Kindergarten Readiness – Have a Berry Good Friday

Last night, I had to come in because it was too dark to see the blackberries. Actually, I could still see the berries but I couldn’t see the thorns.  What sound starts the word ‘berry’? (the letter name is bee, the letter sound is ‘buh’) What other things start with this same sound? Butter, baby bath, bunny. Name as many things as you can. Check around the house for things that start ‘buh’. Do some activities, like bounce and blow bubbles. Read a book, bake, sweep with a broom. What are some foods that start with b? Broccoli, bananas, berries, bunch of grapes. These few little activities help kids build the basis for reading: letters make sounds that can be combined into words, that can be divided back up into parts and recombined to make more words. Have a berry good day. What else starts with b?

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