There are some terrific children’s stories and books about apples or with apples in them. Eating the Alphabet and A is for Apple are yummy examples. The Very Hungry Catepillar munches an apple, too. I’d love to pick a few from The Apple Pie Tree. Dr. Seuss has 10 Apples Up On Top.
One Upon A Golden Apple is a wonderful and very mixed-up version of a traditional fairy tale where Goldilocks lives with the seven dwarfs and a dragon gets kissed by a princess. Tops and Bottoms is an old folk-tale with some highly creative problem solving.
Of course, this is the perfect time of year for stories about Johnny Appleseed; his birthday is September 26. Reading books and telling stories helps promote kindergarten readiness. Kids learn to listen carefully and focus on the story, while turning down the volume on distractions. Talking about what they are hearing helps them connect what they already know. Looking at the pictures that go with the story gives them practice making their own visual images. These are important skills for learning, before and after kindergarten.
Do you have a favorite apple story or children’s book?