Kindergarten Readiness – Fall Leaves for Math

Besides using fall leaves for nature studies and art projects, here are some math ideas. Look over the leaf collection and first sort them into different groups. Maybe some are small and some big, or some are round or jagged or have lots of points, or some are one color and some another.  Talk about why some leaves fit in each group and how they are different and the same. Now, count the leaves. How many are in each group? Which group has more than the others? If your child is ready, try some simple math problems. For instance:  “Look, I’ll cover up this big leaf with some little ones. How many little ones did I need?” or “Here are 4 leaves. I’ll pretend the wind came along and blew one away. How many are left?” etc.

Use some of the leaves to make a sequencing pattern. Sequencing is a higher-level thinking skill that is used in many areas. Either you can make a pattern and have your child think of what comes next, or your child may be able to make one all by his/her very own self. In the example above, the long, skinny leaf would fall next. 😉 Leaves can be used for all kinds of fun! What kinds of activities do you fall for?

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