Doing crafts is part of kindergarten readiness. Just like art projects, children learn to follow directions, organize, plan, and create. While schools and carecenters have access to materials for crafts, it’s not always easy at home. Here’s an idea for one that’s easy to put together and uses everyday materials. It can be adapted for kids of all ages. In addition to a hand like yesterday’s art idea, this craft uses a foot.
Use a brown paper bag or any brownish colored paper. Help your child trace a foot and cut it out. This is the turkey head/body. Now, using yellow, orange, red, multi-color or even wallpaper, help trace a hand with the fingers spread wide apart. These are the big feathers. Glue them just behind at the top. Add two big eyes, a triangle beak and a bit more red for the wattle (the hanging down part) and you have one very cute turkey. Only for decorating, not eating. But you can gobble up the lerning!