How do elves get ready for Christmas? The do the Hokey Pokey, too. Just like the last blog, sing the Hokey Pokey using as many body parts as you have breath to sing (kids can do this far longer). When you’ve rested a bit, guide your little one to think of all the actions that elves use such as cutting, sawing, measuring , gluing, painting, rolling, building, etc. Make up your own verses to the tune of Twinkle, twinkle little star:
Elves work hard all the year long,
Building toys for girls and boys.
Santa’s workshop’s oh so busy.
Christmas is coming very soon.
Elves work hard all the year long.
Making toys for all the world.
(replace italics with other actions: making cookies for us to eat, washing dishes in the sink, putting away all the laundry, and more. Even little elves can help.)
Put on red or green socks as you and your “elves” work around the house getting done what you need. For children, learning that their efforts can contribute to the group is part of family life and kindergarten readiness. Are you remembering to whistle and sing as you work? Hi, ho, hi, ho….