Can February March? No, but April May.

Today is the last day of February and tomorrow is March 1st. Although some parts of the country look as white as a lamb, the old saying about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb is not referring to snow. No matter if the weather is still winter or hinting about spring here’s an activity about March that can be done inside or out–marching. Listen to some fun music and go for a march. March around the house or around the block. March upstairs and down. After Marching, try some tip-toeing, some big steps, and some little steps. Maybe, sliding, gliding, skipping, hopping even crawling. Try using different parts of the body, not just feet. Can you march with hands, knees, tummies?
Exploring different ways to move helps children strengthen their large muscle skills and motor coordination. While being part of kindergarten readiness this is also part of growth and development. I won’t suggest running, kids already do lots of that! 1, 2 3 March.
Hmm, could we add our own music?