Yesterday morning’s news about the disaster in Japan reminds us all that we share the world. Our neighbors can be across the ocean as well as across the street. The situation is very grim for Japan and our thoughts and help go out to everyone there.
All of us have a response to these situations, even children. Frightening news can affect them in many different ways. While younger kids will not understand news broadcasts they are sensitive to the emotions of everyone around them. Older ones may act out or some will retreat inwards needing reassurance and understanding from us.
Much of the media coverage has talked about two important issues, preparation and science. Being prepared has helped to deal with the disaster. Here, our kids at school practice what to do in the event of a fire or earthquake. At home, it’s also important to practice. Science and technology have a key role, too: new ways of construction to make buildings safer, controlled testing of the force of water, the physics of waves, special forms of seaside restraining walls and more.
Sometimes on the blog I’ve talked about the learning and importance of science as part of kindergarten readiness and fun ways to plan and create . Helping our kids learn to plan and organize and to explore and discover isn’t just preparing them for school, it’s preparing them for the future.