Readiness for Kindergarten – Water Play & Learn

Since repetition is one of the 3 R’s for kindergarten readiness, I will repeat some of the fun and learning from sand play that I wrote about in the first half of the month. Instead of sand, though, this time water is the material. One thing about water, it’s usually quite easy to clean up.

Filling  up a container with water and then pouring it out is a science activity.  Kids are learning to observe what happens and to make predictions about what will happen next. They enjoy seeing how full a container can be before the water spills over the edge. They notice that as the container is more and more filled, it is also more and more heavy.  Kids also see that water does not keep the shape of the container, but flows out. Observing, predicting and questioning are powerful strategies for all kinds of learning.

Water play can happen in the tub, at the kitchen sink, in a backyard toddler pool, or even with a big container of water set on a thick towel or a lawn. Water toys can include plastic spoons and forks, yogurt containers, old toothbrushes, empty shampoo bottles, vegetable strainers, and more.

There are many other kindergarten readiness skills that kids from wee ones to older ones ready to start school can learn. We’ll look at more of them over the next few days. In the meantime, do those plastics really need recycling or can they be used for some water play and learning for a few days?

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