Who knew socks could help families with kindergarten readiness in so many different ways? Rhyming words, sock puppets, stories, counting, matching and more. Today, socks are for singing. Here are 2 songs that use familiar tunes and are easy for kids to sing:
Oh where, oh where, did my little sock go? Hickory, Dickory Dock,
Oh where, oh where, can it be? Let’s put on our socks.
Oh I have looked high, We’ll walk around
and I have looked low, without a sound,
It’s nowhere that I can see! When we wear our socks.
(tune: Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone) (tune: Hickory, Dickory Dock)
Singing helps kids learn a variety of skills, such as vocabulary, listening, auditory memory, rhythm and math. Notes have equal spaces between them and go up or down in order, just like numbers do. Singing is also good for helping kids with attention and focussing skills. Do, re, mi, fa, sock, la, ti, do! Now, where is that other sock! Here Sock!