Memory Skills Activity #3

Old McDonald had a class, A  E  I  O  U. Do you remember any of the songs that you used to sing as a child? Singing is another activity that helps kids develop their auditory memory skills as part of their kindergarten readiness. Very young children may only remember bits and pieces of songs. Older toddlers can often sing simple ones that have lots of verses with no help at all. The tune and the repetitive language plus the practice combine to make an effective learning strategy.

Traditional songs such as Old Macdonald, Bingo, Twinkle, Twinkle, 5 Little Monkeys, Eensy, Weensy Spider, Hokey Pokey, The Bear Went Over the Mountain, Ten in a Bed, Wheels on the Bus, etc. seem to be universal but there are great new songs, too. Last month, at a Baby Fair with the Kerplunks, I had their new Gumboots song stuck in my head for days.

After hearing a favorite song CD countless times, (like the new Charlotte Diamond one), I know it’s tempting to just give kids earphones and have them listen quietly, but instead sing along and later sing together without the CD. That gives the memory muscles some exercise as they get in shape for readiness for kindergarten. (P.S. Singing also helps for listening. Instead of having to say something to get attention for the zillionth time, try singing it. )1 2 3 sing! What songs do your kids enjoy?

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