Readiness for Kindergarten – Memories and Videos

This is the best excuse for taking lots of videos of kids–to help both their memory skills and readiness for kindergarten. Memory, like other thinking skills, is something that develops as kids grow and develop. Memory grows by using it. This is where a video, either camera or phone, can help.

Remember the beach?

Take short videos of your child, maybe at the park, playground, building with blocks, coloring, a playdate with a friend, visiting at someone’s house, or going to the zoo. When there’s an appropriate quiet time, have your child watch that video and talk about it together. What is happening, where is it, who are the other people there, etc. Does your child remember that event or activity? What else does your child remember about it that is not on the video? Not only does this challenge the remembering skills it helps with visualizing. After all, when we visualize something we are creating our own movies in our minds. Visualizing is an important skill for kindergarten readiness and learning to read.

As a bonus, short videos of fun times can be shown to your little ones when you have to wait somewhere and keep them on a chair or lap. They work in airports, the dentist’s office and waiting for your order at a restaurant! Do you have one to share?

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