Kindergarten readiness is really rocking. Singing is fun for kids and it is a great learning activity. It supports learning and readiness in several ways:
- promotes language fluency and acquiring new words
- stimulates brain connections and development for patterns
- exercises remembering skills for words, tune, patterns, etc.
- helps for learning math by using a system of notes that go up and down like numbers go up and down
- provides repetition and rhythm
- encourages careful listening and predicting
Singing is also a social activity because children need to listen to others so they can sing together. They also learn that others like what they do (as the mom does in this video). Or kids have fun just singing all by themselves. The rockstar in this video is not very old but he has already made many brain connections for singing. Enjoy watching this really quick video, it’s so cute! Does your child like to sing? Are there some ways you can fit singing into your day for your child?