Kindergarten Readiness ABC’s – V is for Variety

Today’s kindergarten readiness and early learning post is brought to you by the letter V. (Do you remember that sentence from Sesame Street?) The v is for variety. Children are all unique with their own strengths and challenges and having a variety of experiences will help give them a good foundation.

Portrait of elementary school boy showing victory signYour day might include some songs, stories, books and conversations to help with verbal skills. There might be time for some puzzles, a craft, painting and more books for visual strategies. Some time outside will give kids a chance to move and exercise their muscles and connect with nature. If visiting the grocery store is on the to-do list, there will be things to count, vocabulary, shapes, colors, and sizes. Putting some of the groceries away can be done by little hands, so kids have a chance to contribute their effort for others.  Mealtime, bathtime, and bedtime will use all 5 senses and many brain pathways.

Kindergarten readiness develops from participating in ordinary, everyday activities and having opportunities to play and explore. Learning builds on experiences. Little minutes throughout the day and a variety of activities will all add up to an astonishing total before your child even comes to school. Take advantage of whatever it is that you and your family are doing to include a little bit of learning–and fun!

The following video (3 minutes) reminds us just how much can happen in a day. Variety isn’t only the spice of life, it’s the spice of learning. Can you spice up the day for learning and fun?

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