Today’s sensory play-of-the-day is going for a walk to seek out some learning, fun, and kindergarten readiness. The weather here was lovely and Big Sister, who is 4, was asked to help take pictures of things that we could see. Little eyes are much closer to the ground and some of the photos have things that are almost to small to see! We looked up and down and all around, in the sky and on the ground…
The fruit salad and Little Sister’s pinwheel had lots of colors.
This was a small dog but the ants were even smaller.
The feathers were on the ground and the lilacs were up high.
This fence was very straight but this tree was crooked. It looked like a knee. A tree with a knee–that rhymes.
The bird had a little shadow and we had big ones.
There was even more to see and share. What can you find on a sensory walk for seeing?