Halloween Nature Play – Puddles and Pumpkins Start with P

Where we live, October is sometimes called Rocktober because of the weather but with the right costume, it’s fun to go out for some Halloween nature play.

nature play rain

The nursery rhyme Rock-a-bye Baby goes, “When the wind blows the cradle will rock, when the bough breaks the cradle will drop.” That’s what our weather is often like in October. Rain doesn’t keep us inside or we’d all get cabin fever. The wet coast doesn’t get much sun in the fall and winter. Kids need rain costumes and boots. Forget the umbrellas, the wind breaks them like it does branches on the trees. If we are lucky, the power doesn’t go out. But with the rain suit, kids can splash, stomp, catch drops on their tongues, and feel the wind on their cheeks.

This may not look like fun to adults, but it sure is to kids. Dressed to keep at least most of the water outside, kids can splash to their heart’s content. All around the world, we need to partner with Nature. We can’t change what the weather does, we can only change what we do. We have to take it into account and deal with it as best we can. How can we expe

Finding ways for kids to connect with Nature when they are young, provides them with a sense of security and well-being that lasts their lives. Besides splashing in puddles, this might include gathering some nature treasures, growing plants indoors and out, going for walks, watching bugs and other critters, and playing in dirt, rocks, and grass. Look for pockets of nature in your neighborhood, even in urban areas.

nature play rain

According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, “Humans are hardwired to need nature—because we are part of it.” Whatever the weather where you are and dressed for it, can your child enjoy some connecting to nature time and Halloween nature play?

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