Today’s Google doodle is Shakuntala Devi, a woman who was known as The Human Computer. An author and speaker, she had a wonderful message for parents and caregivers about children’s early learning and math. Devi wrote several books, including one called Mathability, Awaken The Math Genius In Your Child. She felt very much that mathability was an attitude and the curiosity and receptivity of young children could never be matched. We know from research how very true this is. 90% of the brain develops by the age of 5! She urged parents to “nurture the young minds” to develop children’s potential.
During contests with computers, Devi would reach the answer before the computers! But in one of her chapters is the question: Who is the greatest mathematician of all time? Mother Nature “And you, nature’s child, ride on this great mathmagical current. (p.23) Devi believed that “Each one of us possess a mathematical brain,” despite our fears and belief that we can’t do math.
Today’s play-of-the-day for learning and kindergarten readiness, is to have fun with numbers and other math ideas. When helping your child dress, if there are any, count buttons on the clothes. How much cereal goes in the bowl? That’s the notion of amount. Is it time to go? Numbers again. When walking to the car or bus, count each step. How high can you count together? If there’s time, let your child choose how many books to read. There will be other opportunities today to use numbers and words such as more, less, big, little, and others. What is important is to have fun with math and enjoy being able to play with numbers. How many times today will you and your child use math?