Holiday Activities

Kindergarten Readiness/Christmas Post Office Adventure

It’s quite likely a safe bet that you have never thought of going to the post office as an adventure and an opportunity for developing kindergarten readiness. Especially at this time of year. But it can be.

post-officeTo a child, it’s magic that a card can disappear in the mail and appear at someone else’s house. When you think of it like that, it is quite magical. There’s lots to see on the the journey, sizes, shapes, colors, different people, signs, cars, trucks, and more. And there are many things that can be talked about: getting there, what happened at the post office, coming back, what the picture was on the stamp, different numbers, and more.

After we got back from the post office, then we got to play it over and over (and over and over) at home!
Do you have some things to mail so you and your child can go on a post office adventure?

Kindergarten Readiness/Christmas Drawing and Coloring

Children can have fun with crayons and colors –and paper and walls– any time of the year and develop some important kindergarten readiness skills and strategies. Christmas has super ideas of things to draw, some easier for younger children and some harder for those older and especially interested in drawing.

Drawing a circle sounds simple but requires a great deal of muscle control.  Parents and caregivers can draw a circle and let kids color all around. Cutting out the circle and attaching a bit of ribbon makes a wonderful decoration and gives children just as wonderful a sense of accomplishment and pride. A rectangle for a present is also easy to decorate with lines and colors. But even quite young children can draw reindeer, Santa, and trees.

drawing-B3As children draw and color, they are developing brain connections and improving their muscle control. They are practicing their attention and focusing skills , plus stimulating imaginations.  When drawing, the hand is not the only part that is making a picture, so is the mind. This is called visualization. Making pictures in the mind, is what we do when we are reading; drawing can help children with this process. It also reinforces the link between marks on a page and meaning.

Pictures are also another form of communicating and sharing with others. Kids use language to explain and tell about their pictures, using the words for colors, shapes and more. Drawing is a form of play because it is very much an internal activity. It is both personal and social.

Not all kids are interested in drawing with paper and crayons, so sometimes parents and caregivers need to find things that are more appealing like drawing with clean fingers in chocolate pudding or coloring with food colors on cookie dough! Would your child like to play with some kind of drawing, today?

Kindergarten Readiness – Christmas Songs and Music

With all the Christmas music playing everywhere, we may as well take advantage of it, have fun, and encourage some kindergarten readiness and learning.

New research is showing the profound impact that music is having on children, even before birth. Hearing music encourages the creation of pathways and connections needed to learn language. After birth, exposing a young child to music can enlarge parts of the brain and later down the road, music has a positive effect on school achievement. Singing together also helps children listen carefully and watch others for clues to coordinate the action.

Are there some simple songs that you can sing with your child? Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph have a fun story in the words. Jingle Bells has lots of repetition and pattern making it easy to learn. Patterning and predicting are higher level thinking skills that children practice when singing.

Songs have rhythm, and so do our lives. Brains are accustomed to rhythm from the beginning, from the constant beating of the mother’s heart to the rhythm of breathing as the baby takes it first breath. Kids can tap out the beat of some Christmas songs, or just drum away with pots and pans or a wooden spoon on a phone book.

There are gazillions of versions of seasonal songs, many appropriate for children. There are some resources, too, that parents and caregivers can access such as cd’s and youtube videos. If your family speaks a language other than English at home, it’s important to include songs in that language too. What are some favorites that you and your child can sing together?

Kindergarten Readiness Countdown to Christmas

Did you know that setting up an advent calendar for counting the days to Christmas helps your child with kindergarten readiness? For children to develop their number sense they need lots of experiences with numbers. Calendars are one way to practice seeing the numbers and saying them. It takes a great deal of repetition for … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness Countdown to Christmas

Kindergarten Readiness, Saying Thank You and Sharing

The celebration of Thanksgiving is based on saying thank you and sharing, and both of these are important not just for kindergarten readiness but life-long, too. No matter what’s planned for your day today, there will be opportunities to help your child with these two early social skills. Sharing is not easy for young children … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness, Saying Thank You and Sharing

Kindergarten Readiness: Happy Halloween Learning and Fun

Halloween is a busy, eventful night  and who has time to think about learning and kindergarten readiness? But lots of learning is happening anyway. Young children are taking in the sights, sounds and tastes and building their knowledge and memories of the different things that happen at Halloween. They also have an opportunity to participate … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Happy Halloween Learning and Fun

Kindergarten Readiness: Jack-o-lanterns for Light & Learning

Jack-o-lanterns light up more than Halloween night, they also light up lots of early childhood development, kindergarten readiness learning, and family fun. For young children, jack-o-lanterns are quite magical. Suddenly, a plain pumpkin has eyes to see. Being a child is kind of like that. Children need parents and caregivers to help open their eyes … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Jack-o-lanterns for Light & Learning

Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning & Fun – SLIME

What is as hands-on as carving a jack-o-lantern, helps develop many of the same kindergarten readiness skills, is still lots of fun but with less clean-up? Playing with SLIME. Although slime is great any time of year, it takes on special meaning at Halloween. Slime is also known as Flubber and there are many recipes, … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning & Fun – SLIME

Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning-Pumpkin Patch Fun

Visiting the pumpkin patch can be a favorite activity for Halloween and it’s a fun time for learning and kindergarten readiness. How can a pumpkin patch help with learning? Going to the pumpkin patch is quite an adventure: Kids get to move and explore a great big space outside and it’s quite possible to get … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Halloween Learning-Pumpkin Patch Fun