Nature Activities

Kindergarten Readiness & Early Learning Basics: Nature

Parents and caregivers often ask what young children need to know before kindergarten; this is the ninth in a series of blog posts on kindergarten readiness and early learning basics. No matter the age of your little one, this will give you a general picture of what to do as your child’s very first teacher.

Kindergarten readiness is so much more than academics. A very real and growing concern is the lack of a connection to nature that impacts learning, development and well-being. This quote from the Center for Families, Communities, Schools and Children’s Learning seems to sum up the message: “Children learn best through their everyday experiences with the people they love and trust, and when the learning is fun. And the best place for these experiences is outdoors, in the natural world.”

Andy Hall, a retired forester was my guest on an autumn Learn and Play with Mrs. A radio show and discussed some important basic nature knowledge for kids. He explained that nature is a cycle and children can often connect with trees in their neighborhood to watch how this cyclical change. Even urban areas have pockets of natures that children can explore with parents and caregivers to connect with nature.

Many of my blog posts have ideas and suggestions for nature activities. Go RVing has this advice, “Along with milk and vegetables, kids need a steady diet of rocks and worms. Rocks need skipping. Holes need digging. Water needs splashing. Bugs and frogs and slimy stuff need finding.” These activities and more are also part of kindergarten readiness. Are nature time and exploring part of your child’s early learning?


Fall Nature Activities #10-A Big Den

That’s 10 special kindergarten readiness and nature fun and learning activities for fall. Den rhymes with 10, as in an animal den or home. At this time of year many animals are looking for and making homes.

Animals can have all kinds of homes. What kinds of animals live under rocks? Help your child turn over a few to find out. centipedeThere are often many interesting kinds of bugs and other crawly critters. Besides on the ground, homes can be up high. There may be some bee hives to see.

If there are any trees in your area, see if there are any squirrels or racoons that may be making a home in the tree. fairyAframeSometimes, even tree stumps or fallen logs can be homes for small creatures. There may be some empty nests. Where have the birds gone? Look very closely in case there is a tiny, carefully hidden fairy house!

MousekinA special story to read at this time of year is Mousekin’s Golden House, by Edna Miller. A little mouse makes a den inside a jack-o-lantern after Halloween where he sleeps inside all snug and warm while the fall wind and winter snow blow outside. The story also shows other animals looking for homes in the mud around the pond.

The Earth is a big den for many animals, and people too. What other animal homes can your child find?

Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #9-Is it fine?

pollutionSupporting young children as they learn includes helping them develop kindergarten readiness and an appreciation for the world in which they live. The fall seems to be a special time for connecting to nature with all the colors, sounds, textures and changes. Learning to take care of the environment is part of the package, too.

In this series of 10 posts on fall nature activities, #9 asks the question, “Is it fine?” Is it fine to throw trash on the ground? Children are often better than adults at picking up bits of paper or other items and putting them in the garbage. (I bet more than a few of us have had to rescue the car keys from the trash.)

compost_and_recyclingKids can also learn about recycling. During the fall, leaves and garden debris can go into the compost pile.

Reusing is fine for the environment. This month many communities are participating in National Costume Swap Day where you can drop off costumes that your family no longer needs and find other ones.

On the weekend, kids can help take the recycling to the depot. Some areas return a few cents for refundable bottles. It doesn’t take very many bottles to have enough money for a little treat. What else can kids do to help nature?

Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #6-Sticks

1,2,3,4,5,6, let’s see if we can find some sticks–because sticks can be used for some kindergarten readiness nature fun and learning. While the weather is still warm enough for outside without layers and layers of extra wrapping, fall is a great time for some outdoor activities and connecting to nature. Did you know that sticks … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #6-Sticks

Kindergarten Readiness: Fall-Nature-Thanksgiving/Columbus Day

At first, Thanksgiving Day in Canada and Columbus Day in the U.S. might not seem that relevant for kindergarten readiness but there can be lots of fun and learning. Displays for Thanksgiving use all sorts of garden treasures: pumpkins, flowers, potatoes, wheat, corn, carrots and more. These treasures have come from the land around us. Columbus … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Fall-Nature-Thanksgiving/Columbus Day

Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #5-Hive

Five sounds like hive, where bees go after collecting, so #5 kindergarten readiness learning and fun nature activity is collecting. Collecting treasures from nature not only helps kids with many kindergarten readiness skills, it also encourages kids to connect with nature. Especially in the fall, kids can collect leaves, as well as pinecones, seeds, rocks, … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #5-Hive

Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #4-Out a Door

1, 2, 3,4, grab your coats and out the door; we’re going for a walk around the block to look for fall and have some kindergarten readiness fun and learning. A simple walk in your neighborhood can be a journey of discovery as children begin to notice that changes that happen for each season. Children’s lives seem … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #4-Out a Door

Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #3-Be?

For this kindergarten readiness and nature fun activity kids don’t even need to go outside. 1, 2, 3, what can you be? To help children connect with nature, ask them to be items found in the environment. For example, can your child be a tree? Or a rock? Or a seed? In order to play the game, … Continue reading Kindergarten Readiness: Fall Nature Activities #3-Be?