Hand Learning

Some Handy Ideas for Kindergarten Readiness: Brain Connect

On Monday mornings sometimes brains need a little help to get started so here is a brain connecting exercise for fun and learning that helps with kindergarten readiness, too.

We have all heard that the brain has two halves. Although some research questions this idea, the left side is logic and language and the right being creative and visual. Optimal thinking is having both halves work together! One way to link the two halves is with an exercise that requires each hand to cross to the other side.

First, have your child give himself/herself a hug, by crossing arms more or less at the shoulders. Now, hands drop down with arms cross to the hips and then the knees. Standing back up, show your child to bend one arm up, with the elbow pointed down. The other hand reaches over and holds the bottom of the elbow. Switch arms and do it over a few times. This can be very challenging for young kids. Grown ups can also do this to boost thinking, (especially when they have to think of where they’ve put something).

This is a handy exercise for connecting the two sides of the brain and you can do it anywhere and anytime. Did you know that hands could help brains think better?

Some Handy Ideas for Kindergarten Readiness: Sand Play

Playing in the sandbox for some kindergarten readiness learning and fun certainly uses hands, so it’s another handy idea. Once kids have learned not to eat the sand, they can also explore digging, scooping, filling and dumping. This definitely appeals to kids because they do it over and over.

  • 1168912_boy_playing_in_sandThere are many kindergarten readiness skills that kids can learn and practice in the sandbox:
  • Kids are observing how sand pours. It does not keep the shape of the container, but flows out.
  • They are also discovering about more and less.
  • There’s lots of coordination involved and all that activity helps develop muscles.
  • Imagination gets some exercise too as the sandbox becomes roads, a kitchen or castles.
  • A connection to nature is fostered with sand play.

These are only a few of the ways that sand play promotes children’s development. Do you remember the book All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten? To quote Robert Fulghum: Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile….”  Is it handy for you to include some sand play soon for your child?

Some Handy Ideas for Kindergarten Readiness: Opposites

big hand / little hand

This kindergarten readiness learning idea about hands is so obvious I’m surprised I didn’t think of it earlier–opposites. Left and right are opposites. Learning about opposites can be challenging. Opposites that are usually all of one thing or the other such as empty/full, hot/cold, or up/down are fairly easy to learn. But others, like big/little or open/close are much harder. For example, a window may be open only a fairly little bit and most of it is closed, but we still say the window is open. A door may be open only slightly and most of it closed, but this time we say it is closed. No wonder figuring out opposites can be very hard. Left hand and right hand are hard to learn. Even adults can find this tricky. Lots of practice and repetition is needed to figure out opposites

While opposites are not easy to get right, they are an important skill for thinking and language and provide us with a clue about children’s understanding. Today, take advantage of opportunities to use opposites. You and your little one can run fast and then walk nice and slow. Or maybe the water may be too hot and need a little cold. Using ordinary situations is the best way to support learning and make it relevant. Is this all right with you, or maybe it’s left?

Some Handy Ideas for Kindergarten Readiness: Painting

Kids love using their hands to paint and painting is definitely a kindergarten readiness learning and fun activity. Adults think of paints and crayons as tools for creating art. For kids, paints and crayons are more than that. They are tools for discovering and learning through play. What are some of these learning and kindergarten … Continue reading Some Handy Ideas for Kindergarten Readiness: Painting

Some Handy Ideas for Kindergarten Readiness: Singing

Another handy idea for encouraging your child’s kindergarten readiness is singing. A hand song that is loved by kids is, of course, The Hokey Pokey: You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out… Do you know the song If You’re Happy and You Know It? The first verse goes: If you’re … Continue reading Some Handy Ideas for Kindergarten Readiness: Singing