Welcome back after the weekend. This week we’ll finish off kids’ All About Me books. Ordinarily, I like to have a variety of activities covering different areas of kindergarten readiness, but some of the readers are planning to do these little books and give them away as special gifts. So, onto Page 6. (Even if you have just checked in, you can start right here.)

Another idea for kids to share about themselves is a page for age. Have your child draw and color his/her favorite cake, or if not yet independently coloring, adults can draw the outline and guide little hands. Draw one candle on for each year old. This activity helps kids make a one-to-one correspondence. Again, as with all math and other kindergarten readiness skills, kids need lots of repetition and practice before understanding. Talking about years and birthdays is one more bit of information that builds the concept of time. Just for fun, ask your child how old s/he thinks you are! (Any guesses as to my age?)