1, 2 read to you. 3, 4, here’s some more. Some more ideas for the New Year’s Resolution of reading often to kids, that is.
Books that expose children to words that rhyme help big time. Sometimes a kindergarten readiness checklist may ask if children can identify rhyming words. That’s because it’s such a crucial skill for later learning to read. Children need to be aware that words are made up of sound bits that can be taken apart and put back together to make new words (phonological awareness). Very little kidlets may not understand all the words when adults read to them, but rhyming texts tune their ears and minds and set the foundation for this skill. Older children like to predict the words based on the previous rhyme. Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton has lots of rhymes and is perfect to ease a little one off to bed! 5, 6 quite a trick. 7, 8 is this great?