Kindergarten Readiness & Early Learning Basics: Thinkers

Parents and caregivers often ask what young children need to know before kindergarten; this is the 10th in a series of blog posts on kindergarten readiness and early learning basics. No matter the age of your little one, this will give you a general picture of what to do as your child’s very first teacher.

Did you notice the artwork for Goggle today? Auguste Rodin’s sculpture of the thinker is a great visual for today’s post on kindergarten readiness fun and learning although kids would rarely sit this still.  Just like the sculptor, kids need to be hands-on so they can explore and discover. This stimulates all kinds of brain-connections for powerful thinkers.draw-erase

In a day, there are countless ways for children to learn and play and be hands-on. Puzzles, blocks, construction sets, painting, play-dough and other toys are certainly hands-on, but there are other ways too. Finger-foods, getting dressed, turning pages in a book, and splashing in the bath are hands-on activities. Sing some songs with your child that use actions, such as the Itsy-bitsy Spider and Wheels on the Bus. Have your child help tidy-up or put away the groceries for a different kind of hands-on learning.

Are there some ways that you can include some hand-on activities in your child’s day?

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